Prayer for the unfucked days

Thank you for the unfucked days.

For the okay days, the just alright days,
The good-enough-is-good-enough days:
We thank you.

Please give us the awareness
To take note of these unfucked days,
And the presence of mind to cherish them.

And on the days that are fucked,
Please give us the wisdom to know
That more unfucked days will follow.

For the unfucked days that we somehow fuck up,
Please grant us forgiveness
And the generosity to allow ourselves to move on.

And once more,
Please give us the wisdom to know
That more unfucked days will follow.


Your bark

Although moss-softened,
Coarse bark is not concealed.
Deep gouges, carved purposefully.
Part of you now.
Growing into you as you have grown.
Perfect blemishes.
Carefully explored
With curious, tacit tenderness.
Not imperfection;
More than adornment.
Each careful channel directs
Life-sustaining rivulets.
Staves deep-rooted rot.


When you sing

I love it when you sing to me– I love you feeling heard.
I love each single letter of each syllable, each word.
I love it when the rhythm’s wrong, I love you out of tune;
I love to hear you humming on your own in the next room.
I love it when your voice cracks and I love it when it breaks.
I love your perfect melodies, but I cherish your mistakes.
